Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sharpen your conscience (by John MacArthur)

"Just like any other emergency warning system, your conscience needs to be properly programmed and calibrated in order to function correctly. An uninformed, untrained conscience will be unstable and unreliable, consistently misfiring and misleading, or even altogether useless.

But just as dangerous as an untrained conscience is the conscience that’s tied to the wrong standard. The conscience is informed by tradition as well as by truth, so the standards it holds us to are not necessarily biblical ones (1 Corinthians 8:6‑9). It can be needlessly condemning in areas where there is no biblical issue. In fact, it can try to hold us to the very thing the Lord is trying to release us from (Romans 14:14, 20‑23).Read more...

Friday 13 July 2012

Hoe besig is ons werklik?

Een van die gerieflikste verskonings wat baie mense vandag gebruik is: "Ek is 'n besig mens, ek het nie tyd vir dit of dat nie". Die vraag kan egter gevra word of ons werklik so besig is? Is die werklikheid nie dalk dat ons net ons tyd verkeerd benut - of sommer net op sinnelose dinge verspil nie?! John MacArthur gee in sy kommentaar op Titus 2:2 'n kort opsomming van John Wesley se laaste jare - na my mening 'n navolgenswaardige voorbeeld wat vir ons voorgehou word:
"At the age of 83 - after having traveled some 250 000 miles on horseback, preached more than 40 000 sermons, and produced some 200 books and pamphlets - John Wesley regretted that he was unable to read and write for more that 15 hours a day without his eyes becoming too tired to work. After his 86th birthday, he admitted to an increasing tendency to lie in bed until 5:30 in the mornings!"

Wat sal ons aan die einde van ons lewens kan sĂȘ?